Agreement to view tour

I do not find images of nude adults, adults engaged in sexual acts, or other sexual material to be offensive or objectionable.
I am at least 21 years of age, have the legal right to possess adult material in my community, and I am in all respects qualified and competent to enter into this Agreement.
I am familiar with and understand the standards and laws regarding sexually explicit images and material of the community in which I am viewing the contents of the ssspread website, and am solely responsible for my actions.
All ssspread website contents that I view or download is for my own personal use, will not be reused in any manner, and will not be made available to any minor.
If I use the services of ssspread in violation of the ssspread Terms and Conditions of Membership, I understand I may be in violation of local and federal laws, and my account may be suspended.
My interest in the contents of the ssspread website is personal, and not professional. I do not work for law-enforcement, a media outlet, or another online club similar to SSSpread.


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