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Profile for Raine
Email [email protected] 
Name Raine Nocte 
Title virgin  
Total Posts
Occupation Writer/Philosopher/Sex Industry Worker 
Hobbies Medieval Literature, Byron, Shelley, de Sade, Surrealist Art, Dali, Albright, Sadean pursuits, Kali, spirituality and submission, masochism, blah blah 
Location Chicago, IL (Edgewater) 
Bio I am a 19 yo femme, submissive, masochist, pansexual, polyamorous, queer, in extreme spectrum in BDSM activity. I am moving to San Fran and trying to find experienced play partners who enjoy blood sport, needles, piss play, fisting, cutting, etc.  
ICQ Number  
Registered on 06/09/01 02:05 AM 
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