02/28/02 08:06 PM
coming out as GENDERFUCKER

Hi. I am writing to ask everyone about coming out as sexually FREAKY (by "normal society"'s standards). I mean, how do i find someone I like enough to go to bed with, and to boot.. tell them I get off by strapping on a cock. So many people are total vanilla. how can I find someone who won't run screaming?

02/28/02 10:43 PM
Re: coming out as GENDERFUCKER

Hi! Seems to me, that's the advantage of coming out - you make yourself a beacon to other freaks. The more your perversity or potential for perversity is out there for the world to see, the more likely you'll find like-minded people. Odds are, many of the folks you regard as 'vanilla' are waiting for someone else to cue them that it's OK to live many of their fantasies...
Being open about freakiness can also incur some negativity, and there are definitely spaces where it's practical to keep a low profile, but overall, it'll be worth yer while. Good luck!

03/02/02 07:44 AM
Re: coming out as GENDERFUCKER

You really want the kind who "run screaming" anyway? I prefer the scream only.
I work in a profession that's waaay conservative, but for the most part, am accepted. I look male (T), and pack at work. All know it. I "flag" at all times, also. I speak often of My kink and more than a few have come to Me asking the why's and how's of it. Some have pursued Me sexually, the rest smile and shake their heads.
I figure if they know up front who and what I am, the ones who have a "bend" in that direction will seek Me out eventually. And they do.

(virgin )
03/04/02 12:23 PM
Re: coming out as GENDERFUCKER

dear coming out,

if you enjoy the cock then wear it.
i love wearing mine.
someone will notice you for your freakyness and will take you up on the opportunity to explore their desires with you.
you won't know how it will turn out, if you don't seek what you want. nymph

(virgin )
03/19/02 08:06 AM
Re: coming out as GENDERFUCKER

see personally i pack all the time,as for me it just feels right soft for work hard for most everything else (dinner with gf's parents excepted) so, i reckon if you are packing quite often then chance is that they will get an eyeful, if they run, let em you don't want those.."ewww a dick" women, also you might think about checking out if they are packin themselves...

just my thoughts

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