(virgin )
01/13/02 11:47 PM
Re: The body that holds me back

Hey now,

Just look at some of the overweight women on this site, some of the nerdy women, and sometimes just plain silly. They are all glorious. Rolls and all. I am a massage therapist and I see naked women all of the time. They are beautiful. Airbrushed, siliconed, trimmed, lifted, ugh... Give me saggy tits, gray hair, hairy legs and pits, round bodies any day over fake bodies. We are real. WE ARE REAL. Baby, you are real. Look at the fist club women, ayyyaaa. Not everyone is nymph or angelina, and thank goddess for that. We'd be bored to tears if everyone looked like that. Goddess knows, i do love them, though (more please). I digress... I'm big, and that may prevent me from wanting to do a ssspread, but honey, it's not going to prevent me from pleasures of the flesh. Honor yourself. In whatever shape you're in, honor yourself. Fist club really helped me with a lot of body issues. I thought, 'how beautiful they are' and then I realized, 'they look a bit like me', then I told all of my interested friends about ssspread, and now we're all on the mend.
Redemption - the goddess gift to us. we are beautiful and so are you.

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