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Poster: Anonymous
Subject: Re: The body that holds me back

I'm not sure what I want to ask, or what I have to say is a question at all, but here it goes.

I have issues with my body. I feel that I have weight and skin problems. I know that it's not unique. These negative feelings I have came up again because of Pride month. I have friends that have casual sexual encounters or go to bath nights and I'm always bailing out or avoiding those types of events. Pride was particularly hard because I ended up at home alone watching tv when that's the last place I wanted to be.

The problem I am having is that I don't know if I'll ever get past the issues I have with my body, I've accepted that much. If I never break out of my shell I want to at least stop being depressed by it.

All my friends/family give the same advice. They deny that there are problems with my body or tell me to get over it. No advice has been helpful so far. What do you think about what I'm going through? Have any advice that might be more helpful?

Edited by ForumMaster on 07/08/01 02:52 PM (server time).

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