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Poster: herboi
Subject: Re: switch-hitter...?

Okay, Sssister, I finally took your advice, and it was fucking amazing. My girl and I were messin' around the other night, and all I had to do was whisper, "Your turn." and she totally flipped and we went for it. I strapped my dick onto her while she grinned ear to ear the whole time. It was like she was possessed by some strange cock-spirit, cuz she started swaggering and posturing immediately...I was totally hard. She slapped me across the face and told me to get on my knees. And I did. Then she worked me over real good and long and finally started fucking me from behind. There I am collared, crying, and cumming...and begging for more. It was outrageous. And I think you were actually right...I feel tougher for it, ya know? I think for me being butch meant not always getting what I wanted in sex...don't get me wrong, I love to fuck her. But this was a whole new level. I can't wait for the next time. Thanks.

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